Tobin Communications: PR is About Precision & So Far, AI Doesn’t Always Hit the Mark

By Maury Tobin

These are challenging times, especially for those who work in strategic communications or public relations (PR), but also for the broader world and the leveraging of information.

The other morning, while I was using LinkedIn to network with a potential client, a “Write with AI” [artificial intelligence] option appeared at the bottom of my screen. The AI message said it could help introduce me to the contact and ask about his or her “time” at current and past jobs. A note on the screen said that by using the app, someone can “confidently contact anyone on LinkedIn by drafting a message.”

I was intrigued that LinkedIn said I could “confidently” use its app, so I put it to the test. The results — a few seemingly stilted paragraphs — were underwhelming and serve as a cautionary tale of where humanity and the workforce may be headed. A robust PR industry and information that isn’t highly engineered matter to the future of our society and business economics.

I understand the appeal of AI, but we are learning that it’s not a panacea. A recent robo call with an AI-produced voice of Joe Biden told Democrats to not vote in the New Hampshire primary. Tesla has faced a crisis because of its self-driving system malfunctioning and the company’s stock has dipped. Or there is this recent Business Insider headline: “Parcel delivery firm faces PR nightmare after AI-powered chatbot cusses and mocks the company.”

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